Maestro Franco Azzinari is known all over the world as the painter of the wind; painter of the warm wind of the South, that wind which shapes the fields of ripe wheat, the areas of red poppies, the brooms in bloom and the centuries-old olive trees typical of the southern landscape.

The definition, coined by the creative genius of Sergio Zavoli, with the passing of time has imposed itself as extraordinarily appropriate to highlight the specificity of the artist. In fact, for a long period of time in Franco’s artistic life the wind was always present, palpable and vigorous. It is enough to stop and look at his first works to feel the sensation of the wind in your face: sometimes associated with its powerful howl, sometimes delicate with its light breeze, sometimes soaked in the smell of pollen that carries and the flavors of good things that caresses.

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Opere: The emotional world of Francis Ford Coppola

Franco Azzinari ritrae il celebre regista Francis Ford Coppola, de “Il Padrino e Apocalypse Now” nel suo resort Palazzo Margherita a Bernalda. Anno 2015