The project “Looking for Hemingway” started in 2000. Azzinari met Gregorio Fuentes, a friend of the famous American writer during a visit to Cojimar, Cuba. The captain of the Pilar was a companion on Hemingway’s adventures at sea. Gregorio’s stories captured Azzinari’s imagination. He fell in love with Hemingway’s life and began to portray other fishermen (Osvaldo and Pedro) and to paint the beautiful Cuban landscapes loved by the Nobel Prize winner in Literature.

In December 2008, the University of Calabria organized an exhibition of the first forty works of “Looking for Hemingway” and published the catalog of the show with a critical essay written by Fernanda Pivano, one of Hemingway closest friends. On December 10, 2010, an exhibition of twenty works dedicated to the American writer opened in the White Tower of the Hemingway Museum, in Finca Vigia, Havana.

In September 2011, Azzinari and his friend Michelangelo La Luna, Professor of Italian Language and Literature at the University of Rhode Island, went to Montana to visit the writer’s son, Patrick Hemingway. It was a warm and friendly meeting. Patrick and his wife Carol invited Azzinari and La Luna on a tour by minivan to Yellowstone Park, an oasis of natural beauty and wildlife. Hemingway’s son walks in his father’s footsteps in his love for the out-of-doors. Azzinari’s imagination was captured by the bison and elk. The artist intends to return to Montana to revisit his friends Patrick and Carol and portray the wildlife they love so much.

Giuseppe Pastorelli e Franco Azzinari

Il Console Giuseppe Pastorelli riceve la visita del Maestro Franco Azzinari (Boston 2013)

Il consolato generale di Boston è lieto di promuovere la mostra tra “Cercando Hemingway” di Franco Azzinari che verrà inaugurata il 20 maggio 2013 nella City Hall di Boston e resterà aperta fino al 28 giugno 2013.

L’evento fa parte del prestigioso programma “2013, Anno della Cultura Italiana degli Stati Uniti” promosso dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e dell’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington. Si tratta di un viaggio lungo un anno intenso a celebrare il contributo dato dall’Italia all’arte e alla scienza, e capace di entusiasmare gli amici americani e coinvolgere le giovani generazioni.

La mostra di Azzinari comprende una serie di Pitture ad olio e di disegni ispirati alla vita di Ernest Hemingway che ha affascinato e attratto il pittore durante i suoi viaggi a Cuba e in Kenya. In particolare “il pittore del vento” rappresenta la vita dei pescatori e i paesaggi cubani che hanno ispirato opere di Hemingway come Il vecchio e il mare.

Giuseppe Pastorelli

Console Generale d’Italia a Boston

In Cuba at Ernest Hemingway – Fernanda Pivano

Fernanda Pivano e Franco Azzinari

Fernanda Pivano e Franco Azzinari alla libreria Feltrinelli. Milano 2005

These memoirs of the great Master and friend Ernest, came from the joy of my first encounter with the artist Franco Azzinari: the presentation at the Feltrinelli bookstore of a book by Gore Vidal. He was present on that magic day. Azzinari, artist of colour, spoke to me of his love for Hemingway, a love transferred to those places where the great writer spent many days and which he too had visited, so as not to forget the light and the smells of a magnificent country: Cuba. Azzinari has been on this island with the children of the wind and the sun, with their poverty, portrayed in their faces, their expressions, their attitudes, the roughness and the nobility of their feelings.

On 25 March, 1956 I arrived at the Rancho Boyeros airport in Havana where, to meet me, I found Mary Hemingway who had immediately declared it the place as similar to hell as could possibly be imagined and she showed me the marten stole which her husband had just given her. Two years earlier, Ernest Hemingway had received the Nobel prize and the scores of journalists who had wanted to interview him had now died down. The factotum driver Jean-Juan took me to the Finca Vigia and it was only then that Mary told me that Hemingway would be arriving the following day but she hadn’t told me that he would be arriving from the seas of Peru, where they had been filming the fishing scene of The Old Man and the Sea, as in that area the marlin were bigger than in the sea in Havana: probably because she thought that I would not have believed her.

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Opere realizzate a Cuba

Opere realizzate in Kenya

Foto realizzate a Cuba

Foto realizzate negli USA

Foto realizzate in Kenya